Saturday, June 24, 2006

Mission Trip to Ecuador

I just arrived home from a mission trip from Puerto Lopez, Ecuador last night. We were there for seven days and had a well refreshed time. Dr. David Sills a professor and former missionary of Ecuador and his son led the trip. We basically helped a newly founded church get on its feet. Every night we set up in different areas of Puerto Lopez and lead singing and preaching with one receiving Christ while we were there. We also held health clinics that were very much needed and I hope that these people got a grasp on what God's love is through these clinics. The church if handled right should grow slowly but as God does His work should raise up a strong church. This community has Catholic and Pentecostal roots that run very deep. This is why it will be slow going for this church for a while before they can start cutting at the deep roots that separate this community. While I was there God reminded me of my calling to ministry. I told God that I would follow Him wherever He led me. This was encouragement for going back to Louisville and starting the every day life in the States. I remember why I packed my family and moved three hours away from our comfort zone. It was to follow Him. With all that being said I would ask that you to pray for Kristi, the family, and I as we try to see where God will be leading us after Boyce. I feel a strong pull to missions.

I remember not wanting to go on mission trips before because I was afraid that God would open my eyes to see His call upon my life. Now I am refreshed and encouraged to see this time at Boyce through.

While I was there I had a chance to discuss the Doctrines of Grace with Dr. Sills. He told me what made his eyes open to these sweet doctrines and explained even more to me the points that make up calvanism. It refreshed me as only God's Word can. Get this. I hold to the Doctrines of Grace and I went on a mission trip out of the States to evagelize. That may be a shocker to those who think calvanist don't feel the need to do evangelism.

Before I log off I would like to thank each person that give willingly to see me go on this trip. I pray that God has enrichred your life for your well deserved and thankful gift. God's further blessings on each one of you.

Please if you have any questions about this mission trip feel free to click on the comment link below and I will answer them. I have not fully reflected on this trip just yet so some details are not discussed above.


Stephen Morse said...

Praise the Lord!

I am so excited about what God is doing in your lives!

He is to be praised!

When can WE finish our discussion on the Doctrines of Grace?

JoshuaKWhit said...

Its been so long where did we stop at.