Monday, December 11, 2006

Caps, caps for sale! 50 cents a cap.

Does anyone know where that line comes from? Ms. Hibbet, my kindergarten teacher and librarian, used to read that book to us. I bought it for my children and they like it too.
I've been crocheting all weekend. My arm was really hurting yesterday. I got online Friday night and taught myself how to make these hats. It wasn't very hard. The first one I made(white) was too small for Lydia. The yellow one fits but she doesn't like wearing it. Figures. All that hard work for what. I told her she would be wearing it if it was really cold and she would just have to cry. Just Kidding. I bought some softer yarn and I'm going to make more. I am going to give them to a few people I know that are having babies soon. The other pics are pretty recent. My parents gave us a Christmas present early. It was a digital camera. I figured out how to put the pics on to the computer, so there you have it. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year if I don't post again before then. By the way, my oldest daughter hardly ever wears clothes and I did not give my youngest son that nasty knot on his forehead. He has a head made of steel since he was smiling very soon after injuring himself this time and every other time he has done that. Steve and Amy, if you look at this, we are praying for you all and hope everyone is well. Do you think our youngest, Ely, looks like Isaac when he was younger? Ely reminds us of him. Gotta Go.

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