Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Broken Hearted!

What do you do when your faith is rejected? How are you to react? I don't mean just one of those quick shot meet on the plane moments! I mean one of those where you spent weeks of building that relationship. To the point where you are expecting to reap a harvest. Well I had that experience last night, man I was hurt!

I like going to work third shift at Kroger. I have been building relationships with a couple of guys since I began. Every night I get to talk to them about the Gospel. I gave them Bibles, ask them to read it, and wanted to lead one of them to Christ. There is one who I have spent more time and spoke with more than the rest. I felt like the God was working within him. I was terribly mistaken! The words came from his mouth without a pause and were said not directly to me. I knew what he meant. I was broken'! After so many weeks of carefully directing him to the Bible, asking him questions and speaking of salvation it was torn down. In just a few words. I couldn't speak to the guy the rest of the night, I didn't know how to respond. So, I just clammed up and said nothing!

Tonight is his last night with us, he will be leaving to go back to college. Tonight was going to be the opportunity to ask him even more questions about what he has been reading, and one last question about his salvation. Now I have no idea what to even say to him. So, I will pray that God will lead me to say the right words and I will still be praying for his salvation!

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