Friday, September 29, 2006

Hello out there!

Hello to anyone that ever looks at this website. So sorry we haven't posted in a while. Everyone is doing well in spite of colds, roaches and no hot water for a week and a half!!! We finally do have hot water but it was not fun going that long without it. I am thankful we still had water and that it was only our building. The roaches are another story entirely. To say we are infested would be an understatement. They have been bad for several MONTHS now. I think they are finally going to do something about the problem(after we have said we are going to call the health department). I am definitely ready to find a new place to live. We are hoping and praying about an opportunity that has come up about a house. We don't know anything definite yet. It belongs to the guy Josh works for. They are in the process of remodeling and deciding if they are going to sell. We like it and the area that it is in.

The baby is doing well. I am due in about 3 1/2 weeks. We are trying to go through everyone's clothes and get the whole place ready for baby and company. AHHHHH!!! Let's just say it's getting a little stressful at times. The children are a lot better at messing up everything than helping me clean. Allyson will be 3 on the 7th of October. We are trying to get her potty trained. She is doing pretty well, but we are not there yet. Ely who is 19 months tells me when he has gone poo poo. Does this mean he will be potty trained earlier than the other 2!!??!! I'm trying not to get my hopes up.

Anyway, please keep us in your prayers. We seem to always have a lot of stuff going on and decisions to be made all around the same time. I will try to remember to post some new picures soon.


Anonymous said...

Wow, I was actually stopping by because mom wanted to know when the baby is due.

Sorry to hear about all the difficult decisions, plus the cockroaches and cold water...oh my!

I love you guys. And we are definitely praying!

Kristina Whitaker said...

Hey John! My actual due date is Oct. 25. Wow, I sure was complaining a lot in that post. I think enough was enough and I just needed to vent. Living with roaches in the kitchen is bad enough, but when they are on your children's bed several times it starts making you crazy. There I go again. Sorry. It's just grossing me out. Tell your mom and dad and David Hello for us. How is school going?

Well gotta go. Ely just woke up.