Friday, March 07, 2008


Hope everyone has had a great new year so far. We have had a very busy one. I started working part time at Walgreens down the road the second week of Jan. My last day was last Friday. We found out we are expecting number 5 on Sept. 26th. We also decided it's time to move back home. Josh's job transferred very easily and we found a house to rent very quickly. The Lord definitely had His hand in everything. So, we have had a little less than 3 weeks to pack. AHHHHH!!! We are not done yet, but we see light at the end of the tunnel. Josh had done most of it. I told him he had to pack because more than likely I would be doing most of the unpacking. Sounds fair to me. Anyway, we are trying to (under the Lord's direction) get a lot of things in order that we have let get out of control. I know your problems follow you everywhere you go until you deal with them. A lot of our problems have been having too much of something. Toys, clutter, TV time, clothes- you name it, we probably have too much of it. So, I have sent A LOT of garbage bags of clothes to Goodwill. I know we are having a new baby and all, but I don't really even want to keep clothes the baby just might grow into someday. I'm tired of holding on to things like that for such a long time. The kids have grandparents that like to buy things for them so they can just buy them some clothes when they need them. Junk day is two days after we move, and we are going to have a pile the size of Texas at least. Most of it is our neighbor's though. They just moved back to Maine after their stay here for Seminary. Okay, well I guess I better go get something done. It started snowing this morning, We already have an inch or so. Josh told me that we are supposed to get from 5 to 10 inches. WooHoo! We are just praying for good weather next weekend when we move. Have a blessed day. Colossians 3:23-24 says, "Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as to the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve." I just read that a minute ago and really needed to hear it.

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