Monday, May 19, 2008

Baptisms, Babies and Books

We had our first baptisms yesterday. It was such a blessed and sweet time of remembrance and thankfulness to the Lord for all He has done. We went to a former "member's" home in Hendersonville. They live across the street from the lake and had recently put in a pool. Our pastor walked right in the pool fully dressed down to tennis shoes much to all the children's alarm. Our church will celebrate 1 year together in a couple of weeks. We are excited and thankful the Lord has led us to Grace Bible Fellowship. In our Bible Study hour our pastor is leading a New Member's class. No one is an official member yet. Please pray for us as we have had recent discussions among several people on how the church recognizes and appoints its elders. I was joking with Josh yesterday that he is the only one that is qualified to be an elder. Bro. Mark taught on elders and one of the definitions was "bearded one". Josh is the only one with a beard. Haha. Okay, back to the post.

We (the women) are doing a study on the book "The Excellent Wife". I have never read it and I don't have a copy yet. I have only gotten to meet with them this past Wed. night. They alternate men and women on Wed. right now. We are trying to see who is interested in everyone meeting on Wed. We are in favor of it. I think it might be about half and half among the other people. I am (slowly) reading "A Woman After God's Own Heart" by Elizabeth George. It has been such a blessing and an eye/heart opener for me. I have actually had it for a little while and am just now getting into it. I have been and continue to be amazed at the awesome and wonderful calling I have to be a Christ follower and a Godly wife and mother. I have to continually read and meditate on what the Bible teaches about wives and mothers. I am so far from where I really want to be. But I am praying that I will keep a teachable heart and that God will continue to guide me and the rest of my family closer to Him. There is so much more I could write but I won't.

On to the baby news!! We are being blessed with another girl. Josh was disappointed for a few seconds because he really wanted twin boys. All I could say was that the Lord knows best. It's his gift anyway. He choses what and how many to give. I am so excited. I already have several crochet projects planned for baby girl. Any name suggestions?? I have a name I like but am not 100% certain. I look a lot to the meaning of the name as well as the name. I have to go get stuff done. My 3yo boy is STILL asleep. He was up for a little while earlier and then went back to sleep. They hardly ever sleep past 7 at the latest. The Lord had mercy on me and most of them slept until 7:30. (I just overheard the older two playing Mommy and Daddy, which is one of their favorite games to play. Ally said "Here's the hospital where I'm going to get my baby(spoken with a big southern drawl)out." I think Ty was driving her. They are too funny.) Speaking of Ty, please remember him in your prayers as well. He got into some poison ivy and is pretty allergic to it. He had to be on a steroid last fall from it. He's had the rash for a week. It's on his face, chest, arms and hands. Ely just woke up(at 9:30!!). Let the fun begin.

Proverbs 31:10,25-27
"An excellent wife who can find? She is far more precious than jewels. Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness."

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